Tuesday 15 December 2015


As for this week, the preparation of FYP proposal is being proceed. for the proposal there are 5 chapter that need to includes:
  1. Chapter 1 - Introduction
  2. Chapter 2 - Literature review
  3. Chapter 3 - Methodology
  4. Chapter 4 - Conclusion
  5. Chapter 5 - References
For the Chapter 1 there must includes:
  • Introduction
  • Background Project
  • Problem statement
  • Objective of project
  • Scope of project
For the Chapter 2 there must includes:
  • Introduction
  • Type of algorithm
  • Example of existing micromouse

For the Chapter 3 there must includes:
  • Block diagram
  • Flow chart
  • Hardware and components
  • Software

For the Chapter 4 there must includes:
  • Conclusion

For the Chapter 5 there must includes:
  • References

There a format for the FYP proposal that need to follow. Every chapter must be briefly explain.

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