Tuesday 15 December 2015


Recheck the proposal before submitting to the supervisor. Send the softcopy of proposal to the supervisor to check for correction.

FYP Proposal


As for this week, the preparation of FYP proposal is being proceed. for the proposal there are 5 chapter that need to includes:
  1. Chapter 1 - Introduction
  2. Chapter 2 - Literature review
  3. Chapter 3 - Methodology
  4. Chapter 4 - Conclusion
  5. Chapter 5 - References
For the Chapter 1 there must includes:
  • Introduction
  • Background Project
  • Problem statement
  • Objective of project
  • Scope of project
For the Chapter 2 there must includes:
  • Introduction
  • Type of algorithm
  • Example of existing micromouse

For the Chapter 3 there must includes:
  • Block diagram
  • Flow chart
  • Hardware and components
  • Software

For the Chapter 4 there must includes:
  • Conclusion

For the Chapter 5 there must includes:
  • References

There a format for the FYP proposal that need to follow. Every chapter must be briefly explain.


This week on Wednesday is the presentation day. The presentation will being held at Dewan gemilang at 3.00 p.m. All the FYP1 students have to arrive 15 minutes early for the registration. I already arrive at BMI at 2.50 p.m for the registration and to set up my place. As for my seating position is at number 36. While waiting for my assessor to arrive I set up my place with laptop and hardcopy of slide for the assessor. My first assessor is Sir Kamalulfaizin and the second one is Sir Abdul halim. Even though the assessor is late and me being nervous, everything is going smoothly.
the presentation is finished at 4.30 p.m early than been expected which at 5.00 p.m.

Sunday 13 December 2015


Preparation of presentation slide

For the preparation slide, all requirement need to be include and all information based on the project need to be compact and easy to understand for assessor. There are 2 assessor for each FYP student. As for me the assessor I get is Sir Kamalulfaizin and Sir Abdul Halim. These 2 lectures are from electronic section. The presentation slide is then being check for any mistake and error by my supervisor.



FYP 1 briefing for Presentation:

This is a third briefing conducted by Madam Nulida Bt Ab.Aziz for the fyp student about the format of the slide, preparation for presentation and the name of the accessor for the presentation day. So for the format and content of slide include:
  • Introduction
  • Problem statement
  • Objective
  • Methodology
  • Flow chart
  • Gant chart
  • conclusion
 During the briefing, student is being inform about the date and time of the presentation day will be held. Furthermore, student is also been inform about their seating position for presentation which being held in Dewan Gemilang on 2 Dicember 2015 at 3.00-5.00 p.m. This briefing is to help student to prepare themselves for the presentation day.